Facts about Sundar Pichai: The CEO Who Handle Google


After the advent of Alphabet, Larry Page announced the new CEO of Google would be an Indian named Sundar Pichai. Alphabet is the subsidiary of Google, which is going to be an online directory for world-class business firms and informative franchise. But the shocking news is that why Larry page wants to handle the responsibilities of Google to an Indian. Who is Sundar Pichai? What is special in him to handle this massive role? Let us have a brief study and interesting facts about Sundar Pichai and his annual gross income in Indian Rupees. Also, we will have a look into his personal life.

Sundar came from a middle-class Tamilian family from Chennai. Usually, he is a very silent and calm going person. But only his work speaks. Sundar did his IIT in metallurgy from Kharagpur. He stood in first across the university that his teachers still reminds his excellent study and brilliance to become a scholar.

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Facts about Sundar Pichai: Grown in the family who has neither TV nor a Car

facts about sundar Pichai
Credits: Wikimedia

He never forgets even a phone number

A few other interesting facts about Sundar Pichai are,

There was a land phone in his home. He keeps attempting incoming and outgoing calls and he never forgets any phone number to whom he calls. He has a great memory to memorize things and express those faster. Once he completes his IIT, it was time to go abroad to finish his further studies. But again there was a financial crisis in his family and he applied for a scholarship for further studies. Unfortunately, he did not get the scholarship and his father spent all the money saved for his further studies. And the money spent on Sundar for abroad studies is his father’s annual income. Again there was a huddle to finish it. He dropped out of his studies from Stanford University and started working in a mi-conductor manufacturing Company named Applied materials to start earning. Later he realizes the importance of Education and joined Wharton University to acquire his MBA Degree and finally he acquired it.

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Prior to Google: Facts about Sundar Pichai

Credits: Wikimedia

In the year 2004, earlier to google, Sundar worked in McKinsey & Company in management consulting. Later Sundar joined Google in the search toolbar division. Initially, the idea of browser from Google given by Sundar and he worked for Chrome on its development. Currently, Google Chrome is the most using browser in the US and India. Chrome supports and gives a default search results from Google also gives effective and accurate results for every query entered. Also, the Add-on extension and downloading media are supporting by the browser. Currently, Chrome occupies 32% of other browsers across the world.
Another sensational product from Google managed and monitored by Pichai is Android. Sundar’s role is huge in the development of Android. We know Android is the most popular mobile software in the world and gives a tough competition to Apple still.

Few more interesting facts about Sundar Pichai

  • After Google founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the next CEO for Google are Sundar Pichai.
  • There are specific reasons why Google selected Sundar as the CEO of the company.
  • Sundar taking care of production management and Engineering division from last October.
  • Another reason is Larry Page left from his favourite project “Moon Shots”, the experience of thinking big for all innovations from Google.
  • Maximum Google products arise in front of Sundar’s eyes and Google believes that only Sundar can handle those products efficiently without any interruption.
  • Google thinks, only a knowledgeable person can deal instead of a new person whether whatever the experience might be but the depth knowledge about the Company products is mandatory.
  • After Eric Schmidt left Google, There was a community created including Sundar to look after the Google emergency issues also to share ideas for business development.
  • Sundar was the most effective and powerful executive by the year 2014. From chrome to maps every project dealt with by Sundar.
  • Another important reason is Alphabet is going to be the main subsidiary and parental company of Google thus, Larry should concentrate on Alphabet going forward.
  • That is the reason Google needs a person who knows every pressure point of the Company. That is the reason they made Sundar as CEO.

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