Things You Should Remember Before Starting a Blog

We are living in a pretending age.  In every aspect of life, we should think in reality.  Many people dream of starting a business, becoming an entrepreneur, being a role model, or a good speaker.  But it is not enough to dream, also we must show it in our actions.

‘Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.— Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Today’s competitive world is bringing up the competition to everyone who has to push-up their attitude every minute to beat this competition also to become No.1.


In the same way, there are many things to remember before deciding to start a blog, website, or start-up.  Because the story of a Blog or a website doesn’t end in buying a domain and hosting it.  There is a lot of homework that should be done. There must be proper planning and design before we put our ideas into action.  Many business people put their consistent actions towards their goals to make their start-ups much better.  Let us discuss some important things to remember before starting a blog or website.

Things You Should Remember Before Starting a Blog

Develop an Idea:

Ideas are the best sources of our wealth.  We must stress our brain to get a spark, to glow a bulb in the mind.  We observe in many people that they had a burning desire in their mind but they are unable to keep those things in action because of lacking proper ideas to justify themselves that exactly what they are thinking about?

Tip: “Don’t forget to note all your ideas in your Hand-Book.  Because sparked ideas are more precious.”

Take the right decision:

If you want to become an everlasting entrepreneur you must be a strong decision-maker.  Seems to be a very old saying but “decision making is key to success for every entrepreneur”. All your future endeavors depend upon your decisions and putting those decisions into action. After you are all set with your ideas take a strong decision to start a Website but don’t forget to be committed to your decision.


Collect some knowledge:

Driving up through an Idea without knowledge is just like driving a car in a fog.  You must collectively have some knowledge to start a blog.  For example, if you want to start a blog using WordPress Hosting, firstly you should study some successful blogs which use the WordPress platform regarding themes, plugins, backup strategies, minimum program knowledge, etc.,

Considerable web programming knowledge and SEO tips also useful to start a website.

Design your creative plan:

After all, you are ready with your stuff, you must design a creative plan.  But remember one thing your plan should be unique and creative.  It is not likely to be more out of box thinking but you must think practically with regards to the current trend.  So take inspiration from many but be only one to present unique content from your website.

Tip:  Follow the current trends and design accordingly.  For more info check in

Ask for feedback:

Probably this might be a tough task because when we are starting our blog means we are implementing our ideas and creativity into actions, we may think that people may not accept it before we execute.  But it is also important to take the people to feedback before we implement our design of action.  This whole thing you do is to present to this entire world which means you have to be clear and confident to take feedback and critics as developing tools in the starting stage of your start-up.

Share your ideas in social media, create groups, create forums, discuss it.  So that we get collective ideas from different people having different perceptions.  By this, we may recollect ourselves about do’s and don’ts.


Have relevant content:

This is a very important aspect while you are running your website. We cannot fool ourselves by posting irrelevant content that doesn’t relate to our website, topic, a heading, or anything you are willing to post.  The important thing you must remember is the intent of your content.  Do collect some useful content that people are looking forward to.  Also, search engine giants like prefer only unique and relevant content to have appeared in search results.


Don’t compromise in Quality:

Quality is the key parameter in your presentation.  Whatever you may present it might be a productive output, but it doesn’t matter how many posts or pages you publish.  All it matters is how much Quality content do you have on your website.

Quality is fitness for use  ————Juran (Famous Quality Guru)


Suggested:  10 SEO Techniques for better site visits

Be ready with a plan of continuous improvement:

Change is the essence of life.  If we do not change we will become obsolete.  We must update our website by following the current technology upgrades.  Do visit your blog once in daily life.  You must keep visiting your graphical analytic to check how many people are interacting with your website.  you must keep on checking your web stats to know where you are and what you are.  You must keep on checking the trends of the graph which may have increasing and decreasing nature.

Don’t forget to add your website to Google Analytics and Google Webmasters after you host.  Also, add it to Bing and Yahoo simultaneously to make your website appear in the search engines more efficiently.

Don’t lose your hope.  Have a heart full of patience:

At the end of the day doesn’t lose your hope.  It is not a day game to become a world-famous person.  Do your best belief in yourself and one fine day your hard luck becomes the best luck and never leaves you.  Be focused, intended, and bear a struggle at least for one to two years after starting your website.  So that you will learn many things on this journey.

All the best for your future endeavors.  hope this post gave you good knowledge and motivation.  Do let us know your ideas and actions while starting a website or a blog.  We are eager to find your ideas in the comment box below.  Also, share this from your favorite social media.

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