20 New Year Resolutions That Most People Blueprinting This Year- 2022

New Year Resolutions are the most traditional ways of planning your upcoming year. It is the most sophisticated manner to welcome your new year. At the same time, to get away from your old bad habits and implement your learnings. In one study only 12% of people who make new year resolutions felt that they were successful in achieving their goals. This seems like it’s easy to create new year resolutions, however hard to achieve and maintain your consistency throughout the year.A series of studies into what researchers have entitled the “fresh start effect”. They looked at how secular landmarks can motivate ambition behaviors.

New Year Resolutions – Seems like a New Beginning:

The main reason that most people are often willing to set their goals only On December 31st is to start a new beginning in their life. Going after resolutions can also present great opportunities to overcome struggles with willpower, ascertainment, and inventiveness. Some people feel that they don’t necessarily achieve their resolution goals. The rest of the people would be more specific about their goals and often strive their best to achieve them in a timely manner.

20. Decrease the number of screens

After the advent of new technologies, tablets and TV screens have occupied half of our life. Most people are still struggling to get out of their comfort zone. Increasing the number of screens will eat up most of your time and delays most important tasks. Watching too much of Netflix and Prime movies leads to Procastination and lazyness. Keep a proper schedule to watch your favorite TV series / Movies. Keep a track of watching hours to focus on your priorities for the day.

19. Keep The Phone Aside

This habit, one must put as a different resolution from the above. Because mobile got a lot of things to do. In fact, it has dominated most of our daily based things such as FM radio, stopwatch, and numerous apps to distract our actual productivity and daily work. Once if you start putting your phone aside, you will surely see the productivity as an increasing spike. This is one of those resolutions that people want to keep on the bucket list of their resolutions.

18. Stay active and fit

Stay fit & active

One of those dreams for every working employee, for a business men / women who has to handle too much stress daily. It’s important for us to keep our body in control. Being fit is not only shapes your body but gives you more energy to complete more tasks for the day. Exercising daily improves your motive to be active in any situation to handle without any stress.

17. Healthy diet

Eating anything tasty or junk food is easy. Controlling your diet is more challenging than doing a daily exercise. Keep a track of your diet. Use third party apps like FatSecret, YAZIO & Fooducate to keep a track of your daily diet. Being consistent on your diet will increase your confidence to be healthy.

16. Losing weight

Everything is interrelated. Regular exercise and proper track on your diet will help you losing your weight. One must keep a deadline to reduce their weight. It might be a weekly target or a monthly target, we have to be harmonious till the end of your timelimit. Losing weight will help in reducing the common health issues like migrane, thyroid high blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol levels.

15. Read a Book a Month

Social media apps like Youtube & Instagram decreased a lot of efforts to read a book and get a knowledge. Research proves that, reading is more effective than watching a motivational video. Be it be a new course, skill or a motivational story, identify your need of improvement. Pick a book to start reading today. Finish one book in a month. One will definetly see the change in their daily entity, interms of their confidence to deal complex problems. This will help you professionally and personally which feed your mind, eventually spikes your emotional harmony & wisdom.

14. Keep a Journal

Write your day. Write your plans and a bucket list. Nobody want to see the same survival as yesterday. Writing a journal shows your earliest days of existence, comparing to your current day. Addinationally you can collect a bunch of memories for the year.

13. Drink More Water

Drinking plenty of water can help you lose weight. This is because water can increase satiety and boost your metabolic rate. When dehydrated, the skin can become more vulnerable to skin disorders and wrinkling. Drinking water instead of soda can help with weight loss. Make a friend to a water bottle and ensure to keep it beside your work place.

12. Stop Multitasking

Yes it’s true! Keeping a lot of to-do list will not increase your productivity. It simply difuses your energy. You can’t keep a track of multiple tasks at a time. If you have so much to do, break the tasks and finish one by one. Prepare a priority list first. “FIRST THINGS FIRST”! Do the thing only if it’s important to you for the day. Rest of the things can be taken care on the next day as your next priority. Take a help of smart apps like click up, Tick-Tick, Asana.. etc.,

11. Have a grip on to-do-list

Planning is not only enough. Execution plays a vital role. Verbally, it’s easy. But to keep working on your plans is more tougher. Maintain the fire to finish your tasks consistently. Imagine the prosperity of result after finishing your to-do list. This keeps you on toes to run faster on your priorities for the day.

10. Stop Procastination

Put off doing something is a great excuse to not complete your to do list for the day. Infact it’s the most happening issue for the failure people these days. Studies proven that most people lose their focus at the beginning of their goals itself due to procrastination and lack of focus.

9. Quit Smoking / Alcohol

One must have a will power to quit smoking. It’s easy to take an advice to stop bad habits for your growth. Hard part is to keep your promises on top. Research proven that the repeating resolution of most of the working professionals is to quit smoking or alcohol. However, they give up in between. It’s easy to start a bad habbit, but not a piece of cake to quit those habbits easily.

8. Socialize

Work from home during pandemic time made most of the people to stick indoors. Hardly we meet people due to social distancing. Social media relations made more materialized. Gatherings often boost our confidence to groom up with people. Keep safety precautions and try to be in social gatherings which increases your connections and eventually your growth.

7. Take control on expenses

Use auto pay tech apps to avoid most of your late fee. Money apps help us to keep a track of our expenses. Don’t spend money via cash. Do mostly bank transfers or digital transactions. Keep checking your statements to see where are you up to, to control your unnecessary expenses. Don’t buy things which are least helpful. Avoid impulsive shopping. Taking control on your expenses will eventually increase your passive income.

6. Travel to favorite destination

During this busy hassle, travelling to favorite holiday destination might be still a dream. Pick atleast one destination from your bucket list to fulfil your dream this year.

5. Avoid negetivity and remove negetive people from your friends list

Negativity is the biggest enemy in your life. Negativity is often a product of depression or insecurity. It can stem from illness, life events, personality problems, and substance abuse. Studies proven that alot of Negetivity comes from frequently focusing on bad news, lot of social media impact, lack of knowledge, quick decision about a person or due to low self esteem. Avoid being with negetive people who influences you mostly to put your ideas down. Don’t let someone judge on your ideas and plans. Keep your private space and stay away from the people who spread negetivity faster.

4. Learn to say no

It’s not required to satisfy everyone by saying yes. Maturity lies on satisfying yourself in the first place. Self satisfaction improves self esteem and confidence to say “NO” to the people who influences you more. Especially in your stressful times.

3. Put a start point to your business

Business is not a piece of cake to everyone. If anyone want to pursue their career by doing a job, they may focus on their dream role. However, the other types of people are still dreaming to start a business. The best to to start is now. Don’t hesitate to churn your ideas. Share those with your loved ones and put a start point to your business or a startup.

2. Start a passive income

Most of the working professionals are creating their own ways of passive income. Thankfully we have technology in place. Share market and investments are opening doors to create your passive incomes. Choose any one interesting source apart from your job to start a passive income. This clears a lot of hassle and gives you more potential income to buy assets.

1. Meditate more

Try to keep calm in hard situations. It’s better to not answer rather than proving your point every time. A proper calmness will boostup your energy to focus on more tasks to finish for the day. Meditation keeps your calm and helps to cope up your fears.


Develop a creative hobby:

Yah! Be it be your childhood hobby to draw freaky pictures. Or brushing up your skills on playing a guitar. Arts and crafts, youtubing, vlogs, blogging, writing anything it might be. Don’t lose the fun of your creative hobby. Take some time of your day and develop a creative hobby which might be the best resolution to take for year. As said, self satisfaction improves your level of confidence and self-esteem.Do comment your resolution to check back after one year from now. It’s fun to achive our goals if we really are focused to do so..

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